New Patient
If you are seeking counseling services, and wish to make an appointment, you can reach us by phone at 678-371-7357 or email First time appointments can also be scheduled online by visiting:
First appointments usually take 60 to 90 minutes.
Fees For Services
Our rates are determined by the education and license level of the Therapist, length of the appointment, and whether the counseling services are for an individual or a couple. Intern rates range from $50 to $75, Associate Licensed Therapists range from $110 to $150, and Licensed Therapists range from $125 to $250. Two of our therapists are contracted providers with insurance companies, such as Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, and United Healthcare, while other therapists provide services at an affordable self-pay rate. If you wish to use your insurance as form of payment please contact your insurance provider to ensure you have behavioral health coverage before making your first appointment.
If your counselor is not contracted with your insurance carrier, then we can provide you with a superbill to reflect the services we have rendered and your payment for those services. The superbill provides all of the necessary information you will need to submit proof of your payment to your insurance company, in order for you to seek reimbursement for your payment. The stipulations of your insurance plan determines whether or not you will be reimbursed for out-of-network counseling services. We are not a Medicare or Medicaid Provider.